The FiM Woodhaven Event at Woodhaven High School was largely a success. The first day we had 9 qualification matches and won 6. The second day we had 3 qualification matches and won 1. In the playoff matches we were in alliance 2 with team 6029 the Railbots and team 815 Advanced power. We won our first match against alliance 7, but encountered technical difficulties during or match with alliance 6, witch we lost. We also lost our match against alliance 1 in the lower bracket, causing us to be disqualified. We ranked 12th in the Qualification rankings. We were awarded the Autonomous award for our exceptional Auton created by our Programming Team. The winning alliance was Alliance 1 with team 3604, The Goon Squad, team 5436, the Cyber Cats, and team 280, TnT. The Goon Squad won the District FIRST Impact Award and the District Event Winner awards. We thank all of the teams there for their friendly competition and excellent playing. We’ll see you again at the FiM Livonia Event in 10 days.